The perfect imperfection

The perfect imperfection

The perfect imperfection

7 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update October 31, 2022

The perfect imperfection is The Reedhcreation,The novel is mainly aboutThe rest of my weekend went great. When Lizzy and I were dropped off, the guys went back home. Chase told us he would be back soon, but before he could leave I wanted him to have his sports bra back."Chase, can you guys wait here so I can just quickly return the shirt and sports bra off" I inquired uncomfortably."Don worry keep it" he smirked at me and before I could react he drove off" pervert.*******Just as I got in my room from my Visit to church and had already snuggled into bed my phone rang. It was an unknown number but that didn stop me anyway. For safety reasons I cleared my throat and impersonated a man."Hello""René its me you can change your voice back""Who is this René you speak of, I don know you nor her""Haha very funny" he said sarcastically, theres no doubt in my mind that he also rolled his eyes."How did you know it was me" I spoke in a normal voice."Maybe because I was the one who told you to do that" he paused "and this is your number" he said in like a are you d Read Novel


The perfect imperfection is The Reedhcreation,The novel is mainly aboutThe rest of my weekend went great. When Lizzy and I were dropped off, the guys went back home. Chase told us he would be back soon, but before he could leave I wanted him to have his sports bra back."Chase, can you guys wait here so I can just quickly return the shirt and sports bra off" I inquired uncomfortably."Don worry keep it" he smirked at me and before I could react he drove off" pervert.*******Just as I got in my room from my Visit to church and had already snuggled into bed my phone rang. It was an unknown number but that didn stop me anyway. For safety reasons I cleared my throat and impersonated a man."Hello""René its me you can change your voice back""Who is this René you speak of, I don know you nor her""Haha very funny" he said sarcastically, theres no doubt in my mind that he also rolled his eyes."How did you know it was me" I spoke in a normal voice."Maybe because I was the one who told you to do that" he paused "and this is your number" he said in like a are you d Read Novel


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