Coming of age

Coming of age

Coming of age

5 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update August 19, 2022

Coming of age is The applebee1234creation,The novel is mainly aboutAfter what happened in the stadium, some sparks of love began to appear in Ollies heart here and there. She thought about that boy when she had nothing to do even when she had something to do.From outside she looked so fine, normal 13 years old teenage girl but inside there was a some kind of inner conflict.After that day she didn see him again. With the time passed, Ollie was trying her best to improve her talents. She joined the Grammar club which was an extra burden for her but she liked it.The grammar club was like a new world to her. There were lot to learn and also lot to do. One day they were given a little assignment and the members of the club had to stay after school. While Ollie was doing it, Boys behind her row played video games leisurely. This didn concern her much. After she finished, she got up and got ready to go home. When she was walking to home, everyone seemed to laughing at her. Some looked at her and suppresed their laugh, some just laughed out.She didn know w Read Novel


Coming of age is The applebee1234creation,The novel is mainly aboutAfter what happened in the stadium, some sparks of love began to appear in Ollies heart here and there. She thought about that boy when she had nothing to do even when she had something to do.From outside she looked so fine, normal 13 years old teenage girl but inside there was a some kind of inner conflict.After that day she didn see him again. With the time passed, Ollie was trying her best to improve her talents. She joined the Grammar club which was an extra burden for her but she liked it.The grammar club was like a new world to her. There were lot to learn and also lot to do. One day they were given a little assignment and the members of the club had to stay after school. While Ollie was doing it, Boys behind her row played video games leisurely. This didn concern her much. After she finished, she got up and got ready to go home. When she was walking to home, everyone seemed to laughing at her. Some looked at her and suppresed their laugh, some just laughed out.She didn know w Read Novel

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