A journey to freedom

A journey to freedom

A journey to freedom

10 Chapters Ongoing Status
Last Update August 12, 2022

A journey to freedom is The Nataliya_Ansaricreation,The novel is mainly aboutThat night, Jolene couldn sleep at all. The argument kept replaying in her head over and over again and for the first time, she was regretting her life choices and what kind of example she has set for her daughter. She was also making up weird scenarios where Sierra was dancing at the bar and old men were staring at her creepily, which made Jolene very uncomfortable.In the very next room, Sierra was also twisting and turning in her bed, unable to sleep. All she wanted was to make Jolene disappear from her life because she couldn tolerate the sight of her anymore.The next day, Sierra woke up and got ready for school. Jenny and Jolene were already sitting at the table, having breakfast. Sierra walked in and ordered Jenny to come by the door in 5 minutes and Jenny did so without saying a word. Sierra out of anger, and jolene out of guilt, kept ignoring each other as if they did not existed.They both left for school and Sierra was unusually quiet that day, Nalene and Adrien noticed and d Read Novel


A journey to freedom is The Nataliya_Ansaricreation,The novel is mainly aboutThat night, Jolene couldn sleep at all. The argument kept replaying in her head over and over again and for the first time, she was regretting her life choices and what kind of example she has set for her daughter. She was also making up weird scenarios where Sierra was dancing at the bar and old men were staring at her creepily, which made Jolene very uncomfortable.In the very next room, Sierra was also twisting and turning in her bed, unable to sleep. All she wanted was to make Jolene disappear from her life because she couldn tolerate the sight of her anymore.The next day, Sierra woke up and got ready for school. Jenny and Jolene were already sitting at the table, having breakfast. Sierra walked in and ordered Jenny to come by the door in 5 minutes and Jenny did so without saying a word. Sierra out of anger, and jolene out of guilt, kept ignoring each other as if they did not existed.They both left for school and Sierra was unusually quiet that day, Nalene and Adrien noticed and d Read Novel


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