It All Started In That Damn Forest

The end of a long school day.

watching tv as usual.

”It was fine. ”

”Whats wrong, sweetie? Is it Jack and Penny? I know you don like their new friends, but they
e smart enough to figure out that they aren the best crowd to be around. ”

Sharp as usual, he thought to himself. His mom was always able to figure out how he was feeling no matter how good his acting was so he had already given up acting in front of her a long time ago.

”Yeah, I know. But whens Dad coming home? ” he abruptly changed the topic. He knew this wouldn go unnoticed, but he didn care.

His mom frowned slightly, ”He said hell be home on Monday, but you know thats the best-case scenario. Don worry about him. Go eat, dinner is on the table. ”

Nathan went and sat down at the table. Despite the food having been sitting here for at least 20 minutes, it still had a nice aroma coming off of it. After feeling like that lonely rat he saw on the internet, he finished eating and dragged himself upstairs to the bathroom.

After finishing his business, he washed his hands and looked in the mirror. There he saw a relatively tall figure with dark green eyes, messy brown hair, an average face and a body with a medium build. This average-looking fella was none other than himself.

He stared at himself in the mirror. He was dead tired and wanted to go to sleep. Usually, he would have been quite energetic and happy, despite having to avoid his friends, but today he was for no real reason absolutely tired. The weirdest thing is, he had slept properly, eaten well and hell, he even went to bed early. Yet the fatigue still felt immeasurable.

He walked over to his room and entered. His room was quite small but cosy. It mainly fitted his bed, tv, console and bookshelf. He had a small carpet on the floor, but that was it. He wouldve usually either read a book or play some video games, but today he just plopped onto his bed.

He felt tired and dizzy, so falling asleep shouldn be a challenge. But before he drifted off to sleep, a memory long forgotten resurfaced. A pretty good one at that.

A six-year-old Nathan was playing on the swings, at the park with both Jack and Penny. They were having the time of their lives just goofing off. It was truly a nice sight for him. Out of nowhere, he felt the hairs on his neck stand. Although it was just a memory he felt like he was being watched. An eerie feeling arose within Nathan, he felt like he would die if he accidentally looked at whatever was causing that feeling.

Suddenly, most of his memories flashed before his eyes, still carrying that same feeling. It only grew worse with each passing memory. It felt like whatever was watching him, was now breathing down his neck. He felt fear. He felt that he couldn move, yet his memory was doing just that for him. Just as his memory version of himself was about to turn around, it stopped. Just as suddenly as the memories began, they also stopped. Still, he was too tired to stand up and remained in bed, terrified.

What the hell was that?! Had I turned around then what wouldve happened!?!?

His thoughts were cut short, and as his racing heart settled down, he fell into a deep slumber.

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