ystem for a response.

[well youll be going to another world entirely meaning you won go into a fictional universe but before you go into the world that you
e going to be assigned to you you have a couple of races that you can be)

”I don care about the races just show me my options and get me going I don want to be in this void for any longer then I have already been ”

”this void its like it has been trying to make me go insane for a while but haven managed to I want to get out I WANT OUT I WANT OUT I WENT OUT ”

[smell out of it user]

after a while the old man seems to have gone out of his mad ramblings and finally pieced himself back together.

[okay now that we
e done with all of that would you like to review the races you can be]

”yes please lets get this over with and get me out of here ”

[optional races include]

<4 dimensional entity>

[each one of these races will provide you extraordinary amount of power and will guarantee you the quiet peaceful life that you wanted in heaven without having to worry about danger]

the old man seen all of his options think carefully.

he did not know rather to pick beyond or cosmic entity.

either one sounds like it would give him endless power but.

endless power wasn really his goal.

he was just trying to get away from the void and live a peaceful life not having to worry about the troubles of society and power hungry maniacs.

and so without a second thought he pressed celestialsapien and instantly the world around him went dark.

as he started the process of reincarnation into his new body into whatever world he ends up in.


(A/N so yeah I am the author of reincarnated as a universe if you don know my account there was deleted my Google account was deleted and I also lost my web novel account and here I am with this new story so hopefully get back some of my lost fan base and once again become relevant.

so help me out with that goal by collecting the book.

and also don forget to drop a power Stone.

and Ill see you on the next multiverse chapter)

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