
Thus, he had been extremely disdainful at the time and didn’t believe it at all.
He even told that person that even if those items were sent to William Carter’s home, the sender must have made a mistake.

However, the flashy and ostentatious Lamborghini right in front of their home.
This was enough to prove that it was true that Ethan Sawyer indeed planned to let his son marry Charlotte Carter, and they even gave her family hefty betrothal gifts!

However, the most important thing now was to get rid of Cheyenne’s family without letting them take away a single cent or the betrothal gifts from the Sawyers!

With a menacing gaze, Bryce ordered the security officers, “Ignore them.
Drive the people in there out, and make sure they don’t take anything!”

“How dare you!” Karen shrieked and started shoving the security officers holding her back in a bid to rush back into the house. He must be kidding.
My lifelong savings and the large chest of betrothal gifts worth at least ten million dollars are all placed underneath my bed.
How can I let that scoundrel Bryce take them away?!

Unfortunately, Karen was only an ordinary middle-aged woman, no matter how feisty she might be.
She couldn’t break free from the security officers’ restraint at all.

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“Let go of my mother!” Seeing this, Cheyenne and Charlotte hurriedly rushed up to help, but the two of them were just weak women and couldn’t compete with several strong security officers.

Seeing the struggling trio who were furious but rendered immobile, Bryce guffawed loudly.

He went over to them, reached out to grab a tuft of Cheyenne’s hair, and then tugged hard.
“Cheyenne Carter, get lost with your shameless family! I’m telling you, I won’t give the Brilliance Corporation to you even if it gets ruined in my hands.
Don’t even think about it for the rest of your life!”

Cheyenne glared at Bryce with bloodshot eyes full of fury.

“Hahaha, you’re angry, huh? But what can you do to me?” While laughing, Bryce yanked her hair again haughtily.

“Let go of my sister!” Charlotte was panic-stricken.
She tried to move Bryce’s hand away forcefully but to no avail.

“Let go!” Suddenly, a figure leaped over and clamped down on Bryce’s hand as quick as lightning.

“Lucas!” Cheyenne and Charlotte were on the verge of tears when they finally saw Lucas clearly, especially Charlotte, who had witnessed Lucas’s combat skills before.
When she saw him, she felt as though she had seen her savior.

Bryce was shocked to have his wrist grabbed, but by the time he saw Lucas clearly, he immediately said derisively in disdain, “What can you do to me? You’re just garbage.
Damn it.
Let go of me or else…”

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Before he could finish, he felt a sharp and excruciating pain in his wrist, accompanied by a loud snap.
The pain almost made him pass out!

“Ah! My wrist!” Bryce shrieked at the top of his lungs like an animal getting slaughtered.

Lucas lifted Bryce up by his collar and casually flung him away.
Just like that, Bryce, who weighed about eighty kilograms, was thrown out of the courtyard of Cheyenne’s home.

When he landed, Bryce howled in pain again.

Everyone was stunned!

The security officers were dumbfounded, and no one remembered to tend to Bryce.

In their opinion, it definitely took an extraordinary person to lift someone of Bryce’s weight up and effortlessly fling him away like a piece of garbage!

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