Supreme Magus

Chapter 555 - Utter Failure (Part 2)

r> ”At least tell me it ’s a routine job. ” Lith said.

”I don ’t want to jinx it, so I ’ll just tell you what I read. A local noble, Viscount Krame has hired an entire adventurers guild, allegedly to protect his household and properties during the winter lockdown.

”The city lord called the army a week ago, saying that Krame was using his private army to harass the citizens of Zantia and ignoring the local constables. We haven ’t heard from him since then, so it ’s up to you to go check on the situation. ”

”Great! A ’normal ’ case again. With my luck, this Krame is trying to resurrect an ancient god, or maybe an Abomination has replaced him and is building an army of greater undead. ” Lith said.

His ridiculous scenarios made her giggle, at least until she remembered Thrud ’s scheme, the Black Star, and suddenly they didn ’t seem so far fetched anymore.

”Wouldn ’t you like to talk about something more cheerful? ” She said while taking off her jacket and letting her hair down.

”Like what? I have yet to report what happened to Lord Wyalon, then I have to find a place to sleep before diving into the next mess this job has in store for me. I even have our big talk waiting for me in Belius.

”You ’d find more cheer in a graveyard than in my life. ”

”Like the fact that my first day as a field assistant went great. ” She replied with a smile.

”Oh, shit! Sorry Kami, I completely forgot… ”

”Or about the fact that I keep practicing my cooking. ” Kamila cut him short. She had risked losing him too many times in a single day to care about such a small matter.

’I work from nine to five and then return to the safety of my own home, whereas Lith is on a deadly clock 24/7. ’ She thought.

”Gods, I ’m all sweaty from the stress. Let me take a quick shower and then I ’ll call you back. ”

”No need, I want to hear everything about your first day on the job. I ’ll gladly keep you company. ” Lith said after making sure that he was completely alone.

”Did you miss me so much or are you just a pervert? ” Yet she didn ’t wait for his answer before bringing the amulet with her in the bathroom as she undressed.


The following day, city of Xylita

Going back to her hometown was never easy for Kamila. Thanks to its flourishing commerce, Xylita was the smallest city in the Kellar region to have a Warp Gate. It was far from being a metropolis and it was resistant to changes as well as its inhabitants.

Kamila had many memories from the time she lived there, but none happy. She would return solely to visit her sister, Zinya, and it wasn ’t an easy feat. The two sisters loved each other, but Zinya ’s marriage crippled her more than her blindness ever could.

Her husband, Fallmug, forbade her any social relationship without his supervision. He considered Zinya a clumsy, useless thing. Her helplessness was cute in the bedchamber or as long as she sat still, like the pretty flower she was.

Fallmug couldn ’t bear the thought of his wife bringing him shame with her disability, or even worse, pity. His business rivals had spread many rumors about why he had chosen a blind woman for wife and each one was rude at best.

Ever since Kamila had disowned her family, he had forbidden her from setting foot in his home.

The two sisters could only meet during Zinya ’s birthday. On every other day, Kamila needed to bribe the house staff or wait for a letter from her sister to casually mention an event she would attend so that they could casually meet.

This time, however, things were different.

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