Supreme Magus

Chapter 282 Unnatural Part 1

pushing him back with a jolt of light. Khran yelped in pain, the contact had badly burned his hands.

”Who the heck was that guy? How do we get out of here? ” He cursed.

”Is, not was. ” Lith pointed at the body on the floor. ”He is still alive and well. ” He could see how even after so many attacks, the body ’s life force was as strong as before.

’Exactly. ’ Solus continued. ’The array keeps slowly injecting those energies inside him. I don ’t know why, though. The transfer ’s not fast enough to be some sort of healing device. ’

”Are you kidding me? ” Khran scoffed while Hren helped him to drink a healing potion for his injured hands. ”That guy is as dead as a doornail. ”

”Am I? ” Said a silvery voice coming from the corpse as it tried to get up. A second barrage of spells stuck it before the sentence was completed, sending it sprawling on the floor.

’Let me guess, that was just the bad news. What about the worse news? ’ Lith was putting together all the pieces of the puzzle. The picture taking shape in front of his eyes wasn ’t good.

’The worse news is that the unnatural man seems to be a human Abomination hybrid. ’

Her words left Lith speechless.

’Is he… like me? ’

’Not at all. I can see two cores inside of him, a bright cyan one and a smaller black one. I believe that just like Kalla ’s, his second core is artificial. ’

The corpse got on its back for a second time, getting blasted once again. This time no one stopped shooting until there was no charge left in their wands.

”We need to get out of here! ” Captain Yerna wasn ’t scared. She and her people had gone through worse situations in the past, keeping her cool had always turned out to be the winning move.

”White, Warp us away from this sh*thole. ”

Lith didn ’t make her repeat herself, but the dimensional door shattered as soon as it was formed. A second attempt bore the same result.

”What ’s happening? Why it doesn ’t work? ” Khran was starting to freak out, his voice rose of an octave.

”I have no clue. ” Instead of despairing, Lith placed both of his hands on the array. He was certain it was the root of all their problems.

”It ’s actually quite simple. ” The corpse of the unnatural man stood up from a pile of half molten jewels. Wands were once again aimed at him, but no spell was fired.

”Dimensional magic requires a perfect balance between al the six elements. ” The unnatural man explained while his skin and hair regrew at an astounding speed.

”This room is so filled with light magic that it makes impossible for a lowly human mage to find the balance necessary to tear up space. Don ’t blame the kid for his incompetence. ” He said with an amused look.

”Even if he managed to do it, it would take me a simple wave of the hand to disrupt his focus. As I said earlier, no one is leaving until I get compensation for all the losses you have inflicted me. Kneel! ”

The unnatural man apparent kindness turned into a mask of fury. At his command, a new array overlaid with the already existing one. It increased the gravity of all those present by several folds, forcing them to fall on their knees.

Only two people weren ’t affected by the new array. Lith, who was already hands on the ground studying the room, and the unnatural man, who kept standing as if nothing happened.

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