e gloominess on Qin Yu’s face dispersed.
He looked behind him, and his face darkened once more.

When he entered here, he already discovered that Gu Shengping had disappeared.
But at that time, he had discovered something else that made his heart race, thus he had been a bit slower in responding.
The magic power in his body seemed to accelerate.
It wasn’t him doing this, but the magic power in his body moving on its own volition, as if it were in a cheerful mood.

This was a summoning of magic power.
There seemed to be something within this cave dwelling that shared some sort of origin with him, and was summoning him.
Was this real? Or was it a camouflage, or even a trap that was laid down by the ancient cultivator?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Yu narrowed his eyes.
He stepped towards the direction of the summoning, and as he did it was like stepping into a flowing stream of water.
He could still feel the strength of the sealing array formation in this garden, but this strength no longer held any influence over him.

Qin Yu’s eyes brightened.
He took several steps forwards and as he passed the rock garden sculpture, he also disappeared.

After a moment, several leaves on the ground parted and a small pitch black snake the width of a thumb drilled out.
It swept its cold eyes around, and after pausing for a moment, revealed anger.
Then it drilled back into the leaves.


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Outside the garden, on a small bridge covered with vines, Daoist Wuyuan carelessly flicked his sleeves and took back a small black snake.
His face was much gloomier than before.

Fairy Xiang’s eyes flashed.
“What is it?”

Daoist Wuyuan shook his head.
“It’s nothing.” He quickly walked forwards several steps.
But then he cried out in alarm.
A vine had wrapped around his feet and pulled him to the ground.
Then, he was dragged out of sight.

Fairy Xiang shouted in startled anger.
Formidable magic power fluctuations erupted from her.

Several dozen feet away, Daoist Wuyuan casually stood up, The vines that had wrapped around his body had all turned black and withered.

He looked around at the magic power shaking up the area.
He turned and left, his speed over twice as fast as before.

This ancient cultivator cave dwelling had been discovered by War Bear first, so he had already expected that War Bear would have some hidden plan in advance.
As for Gu Shengping and Qin Yu vanishing one after another, that started to shake the original confidence he had in his plan.
He decided he needed to speed things up, otherwise he feared that by the end he wouldn’t even have a bit of soup left over from this large piece of meat that was the ancient cultivator’s cave dwelling.


After passing the rock garden sculpture, there was a gravel path before him.
Even though it was also covered with withered leaves, as he walked over it he could still clearly feel how sharp and hard the ground was.
Qin Yu didn’t doubt that if he didn’t follow the summons of the magic power, the moment he stepped onto this trail, a terrifying strength would have erupted from below him.

At the very least he would have been wounded!

Sealing array formations, sealing arraying formations, sealing array formations, since it was so important he needed to repeat this to himself three times over!

Qin Yu promised himself that after this incident ended, he must carefully study it.

Or he would be placed in this passive position too often!

But at this moment, he was even more curious as to what sort of thing was able to summon his magic power.
Qin Yu hadn’t changed his cultivation technique and was still using the three incomplete pages of the Eastern Mountain Sect’s True Wood Arts from before.
And, he found it extremely difficult to imagine how an ancient Nascent Soul cultivator’s cave dwelling would be related to the Eastern Mountain Sect.

Moreover, this summoning seemed to be extremely beneficial.
It didn’t harm Qin Yu in the least, and instead helped him travel through this sealing array formation-ridden cave dwelling, giving him seemingly open access to it.
But, who knew just what lay hidden ahead? It might be a great harvest, or could be a great trap that was waiting to chomp him in half.

Qin Yu bitterly smiled.

The road of sealing array formations…keep on repeating it!

The trail was very long, as if it passed through the entire cave dwelling.
As he walked through, he passed by three gardens and many large buildings.
It was clear that this place used to have many occupants in the past.
But, what was strange was that there wasn’t a single skeleton here, so where did all the people who initially lived here go? Could it be that they had left before this cave dwelling was sealed away?

Qin Yu felt that something was wrong.

If there really were people who left, then it would have been impossible for this cave dwelling to be so perfectly preserved until today.
There would have been countless Golden Core cultivators red-eyed with envy that would have flipped this entire place upside down.

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But if no one left, and he couldn’t see a single skeleton…tsk, this was just too horrifying!

Suddenly, Qin Yu stopped.
Standing on the gravel trail, his head quickly veered to the side.
A touch of white had appeared amidst the withered leaves, a striking contrast of color.
Qin Yu flicked his sleeves and withered leaves and branches flew away to reveal a headless skeleton beneath.

He had thought it was strange that he hadn’t seen any skeletons before.
But at this time Qin Yu didn’t relax.
Rather, his complexion became even more serious and grim.

The quality of this skeleton was far too new!

Using the world ‘quality’ to describe a skeleton might not be respectful, but this was just a statement of the facts.
And, the most important fact was that the skeleton’s skull had been recently cut off.

Qin Yu’s five senses had always far surpassed others’.
So even though he was standing dozens of feet away, he could still clearly see the skeleton that had almost been fully buried by the withered leaves.

He could also clearly see the cut.

Daoist Wuyuan and Fairy Xiang had gone in the opposite direction.
Then, the person who cut off this skeleton’s head must be War Bear or Gu Shengping.
And, the question was, if they ran all the way here, why did they cut off a skeleton’s head? Moreover, this skeleton clearly wasn’t here when the cave dwelling was sealed away.
It proved that before today, at some other time, there had been others who had come here!

Things had become even stranger.

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment and continued onwards.

Simply put, no matter what happened, since he had already entered, he had no other choice.

Staying silent and still wasn’t Qin Yu’s usual style.
Since this cave dwelling was covered in layers of mysteries, then he would just slowly uncover them.
The truth would eventually reveal itself.

Sha –

Sha –

In the quiet, only the sounds of footsteps walking over fallen leaves reverberated in the ears.
The sound was bleak, desolate, dry, and as one heard it, they inexplicably felt their heart tense.

Shua –

Qin Yu stopped.
He seemed to have reached the end of the gravel path.
Covered by a thick layer of leaves, a floating mountain was partly visible in front of him.
His eyes flashed, but after taking several steps his breath suddenly froze.
He seemed like a piece of dead wood that merged together into his surrounding environment.

The aura-restraining law formula and aura-restraining pendant were being revolved at maximum power.

From up ahead, he could hear sounds!

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