br>This is also hard for me to see.”


“All you’re trying to do is attempt to make me worry about you.”


Has he gone insane at this point? In the middle of his maniacal laughter, I furrowed my eyebrows.
I clenched my fist so hard I felt my bones.
Then, I relaxed my hand.

He must have been so upset when I ignored him.
It’d be nice if I could punch him.

He died in the novel anyways.
I wouldn’t be making any bad choices if I were to cut him off early on.

Though the soft-hearted Rehan might be sad, since they’re related by blood after all.
The male lead, Rehan, was Gilbert’s brother.
Though Gilbert would rather beat him up than call him ‘brother.’ His inferiority complex towards Rehan caused a bunch of problems in the novel, it even caused a mishap.

Ugh, maybe it’s okay to kill him after all.

“I’ve already told you, I’m not going to marry you.”

It seems like he thought I was joking because I answered him with a smile.

“That’s not true.”

“It’s true.”

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“Lady Maevia, I don’t have a lot of patience.
Don’t forget that I’m already fed up with you.”

His crimson eyes stared at me, resembling those of a beast.
They seemed to say ‘yield whilst I’m still ordering you nicely.’

To Gilbert, Maevia Morgana was just the Marquis’ only daughter.
Like a flower in a greenhouse that had never been watered by anyone but her parents.

A fierce woman who wields the sword, yet has never been compared to anyone else or met the cruelty of the world.

I gave him a mocking smile.

“I’m serious.”


“How ridiculous of a man you must be to believe that bullsh……”

I was right about to swear at him when someone pulled me from behind.

It was Charlie standing in front of me.

“Can you stop? Eve doesn’t like that.”

Charlie straightened herself up and faced him.

“You are not her fiance.
Actually, I don’t even think you’re her friend.
Act appropriately.”

I could feel that Gilbert was about to explode in a few minutes.
Yet Charlie didn’t stop.

Oops, looks like you picked the wrong person to mess with.

Morgoz was a warrior family whose mission was to defend the borders from savage tribes in the west.
Regardless of gender, those who were born with the Morgoz name wielded the sword.
As a result, Charlie, who was from Marquis Morgoz’s family, was used to being in dangerous situations.
Even if she was just clumsily choosing a dress a minute ago.

I didn’t know how he was planning to make me face his fury and pressure when there were so many people watching us.

Look, Vanessa is also a loud person.
Since she deals with a lot of nobles, she’s well versed in spreading rumours about them.

“Don’t go.
Charlie will solve this.”

Reina, who was well-known for being shy, grabbed me with trembling hands.
Near tears, she looked like she’d never experienced this kind of thing before, yet still tried to reassure me.

Of course I was fine.
If I wasn’t able to handle his shitty temper in the first place, I wouldn’t have provoked him.

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I wouldn’t fight a losing battle.

Gilbert gritted his teeth as he tried to persuade Charlie, who was defending me.

“Step aside, please.
Let’s not make a bigger problem out of this.
I just need a proper conversation with Lady Maevia, who’s been avoiding me.”

You look like you want to grab me by the neck right now.
Who would believe you?

Charlie wasn’t persuaded and remained firm,

“I’ll call the guards.”

“Do I look like a bastard that would hurt a lady? I said I just wanted to talk.
If you look down at me like this, it’ll come back to bite you.
In the future, I’ll become Grand Duke Kallakis and will rule all of the northern territory……!”

“Please leave, young master.
Before your reputation plummets even further.”


Finally, Gilbert took a half step back.

When he passed the surrounding ladies, I heard him grit his teeth.
Charlie’s guards followed him as soon as he left the dressing room.

Charlie entered a nearby cafe, shared a few words with the owner, and gestured for them to come in.

The knights blocked the doors as soon as we entered.

We offered the owner a large sum of money for briefly monopolizing the cafe and he welcomed us with a big smile.

The ladies sat down first and asked me,

“Maevia, are you okay?”

“Do you need me to call a carriage? Do you wish to go back home?”

“I believe it’s better if we take a break here before going back.
What if the young master follows us?”

Their intense reactions puzzled me.

They seemed like they just wanted to attack him; all I wanted to do was ruin his image.
The ladies seemed to have already recognized him as an enemy.

Charlie, in particular, was glaring at him so intensely that it almost seemed like her eyes were going to set on fire.

When I made eye-contact with Charlie, who remained deadly silent, she hesitantly opened her mouth.

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