“Let me see… It seems that three enormous dragons are approaching.”

This was reported by Falcons 2 and 3, who were scouting the surrounding area.

“D-Dragons, you say!?”

“There can’t be dragons around here!”

“And three of them?”

In particular, the larger the magical beast, the more Ether it needs to maintain its body, so it is said that beasts like dragons shouldn’t not come out in these high latitudes.

“Perhaps that Nega-Doll has something to do with this.”

Ann shared her guess.

It wouldn’t be strange to think that Nega-Doll 001 was already made aware that Jin had already liberated the Gospel and Shinra clans from the influence of the “Agujas”.
It was easy to imagine that more moderates would be released in the same way soon enough.

“So he might have thought to sic these dragons on the moderates in an attempt to crush them…”

“That’s possible.”

Jin agreed with Ann’s conjecture.
But Belials became flustered after seeing Jin’s calm demeanor.

Jin! No one in my clan can control dragons! We need to get away from here as fast as we can!”

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But Jin (‘Substitute Doll) shook his head.

“We won’t make it out of here.
The dragons are coming at us at about 150 km/h.
The maximum speed of the Capricorn 1 is 70 km/h.
We will not outrun them.”

“T-Then what are we going to do!?”

Belials’ tone of voice was overflowing with panic, and his face had gone completely pale.

On the other hand, Laojun, who was in control of the Substitute Doll at the time, was obtaining detailed information regarding those dragons from Falcons 2 and 3.

From their experience so far, Laojun knew that the strength of a magical beast was almost proportional to the magical power it possessed.

Hecatoncheires, Death Sea Serpents, Sea Dragons, Giant Centipedes…

Though the dragons that were approaching them had more magical power than a Sea Dragon, they still didn’t seem to be a threat to Reiko and the others.

From a distance, the party could see that the dragons’ approach could be felt even in the Kugutsu clan’s abode, as several people were heading out and seemed to be alert.

“Belials, I’d like you to go to your clan and try to calm them down.”


“A magical beast that has nothing but their huge size in their favor is no match for the Magi Craft Meister.”

Those words Laojun made the Substitute Doll say would’ve never been said by the real Jin.

But he figured that if he could defeat a dragon right in front of the Kugutsu clan’s noses, he would easily be able to win their trust.

“C-Can you really do that?”

“Everything will be okay, Belials.”

Istalis supported Jin’s words.

“Lord Jin has defeated Stone Giants as if they had been clay dolls.
I’m sure he can take care of those dragons as well.”

“Uh… A-Alright.”

There was no choice but to trust Jin’s words.
Belials opened the skylight and jumped out.

Using his enhanced strength, he quickly ran back to his clan.
They immediately welcomed Belials, confirming that they too had been freed from the influence of the “Agujas”.

“Okay, all I have to do is get rid of those dragons in front of them.”

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As Jin (‘s Substitute Doll) muttered those words, small dots started to be reflected on his eyes.
Those dots gradually became bigger and bigger.

“Grand Dragons…!”

They were terrestrial, and their bodies were gray-brown.
They greatly resembled huge iguanas, about 20 meters long.

According to Lorona, they seemed to be a natural enemy of the Hecatoncheires.

“They’re said to prey on Hecatoncheires.”

“I see…”

“And for some reason, offensive magic such as Gravity Magic doesn’t work very well on them!”


That was a first.
It had Laojun wondering if this was some kind of special ability of these dragons.

The Grand Dragons would reach them in a matter of seconds.
Dust was rising in the distance.

Through Jin (‘s Substitute Doll)’s eyes, Laojun kept observing.

He looked at the dragons, trying to determine if there would be anything that could be harvested as a material from them.

“It seems we could use their scales and the spikes on their backs.”

Therefore, he decided he wouldn’t use a “Mana Explosion”.

Complicated weapons such as lasers were also excluded from his plans.

“I’d like to defeat in a way that is as flashy as possible.”

And so he drew a conclusion.

“Reiko, Ann, could I ask for your help?”

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