MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 372: The Guild Is Shook Up

Luna was keen on teaching Furball about the nine tailed beasts and about her own potential , but reading Rudra ’s mind she knew she would never convince him for the same. After a lot of thinking , Luna said ” So , you have 30 days of training time inside Draconia , what do you plan to do? ”.

Rudra did not even feel surprised anymore , his mind was an open book for this divine beast of unknown power. He said ” well my plan is to get some skill scrolls , some weapons , some technologies for my guild and the like …. ”.

Luna sighed and said ” Soo you have no plan , and are planning to roll it as it happens .. ”.

Rudra said ” yep , absolutely ! ”

Luna said ” I have a proposition for you , in the two days you are here with me , I will impart you with 3 very valuable skills , and also give you a roadmap as to how to maximize your gains within the 30 days in Draconia. However , in return I want you to let Furball stay here with me for 30 days. She is a nine tailed beast , even if she is your pet , and it is imperative that she learns the way of the clan ”.

Rudra was very hesitant Now .. his mind was in a turmoil , he absolutely wanted the skills and the roadmap , but did not want to leave Furball like this .

Sensing his anxiety , Luna said ” It will be beneficial to Furball herself , she needs to grow stronger too , consider this as her training session and the condition for me to give you the peace saction ”.

Rudra now started at Luna , this was not the original terms , she had changed it. Rudra thought about it for a while and then decided to let Furball decide , as he told the little beast ” This is your grandma , do you want to stay at your grandma ’s place for sometime? ”.

Furball sighed inwardly , her human did not understand her intelligence , she was as smart as an adult male. But since he was being soo cute , she decided to play ball and went towards Luna ’s human form and started to sniff her legs.

Rudra sighed , as he said ” they sure grow up fast , alright it ’s a deal ”.

Luna gave Furball a look of ’ This is your master … Seriously? ’

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