s a man,” replied Chris awkwardly.

Lilian frowned upon hearing those words.

It might sound narcissistic coming from her, but any long-term relationships she had with any men always resulted in a common outcome—a confession.

The previous supplementary class she had to take proceeded without a hitch only because all of the students were women.
She was hesitant about tutoring a man since her previous experiences told her that things would likely get awkward and troublesome. 

Perhaps sensing the thoughts of the black-haired young woman, Chris sighed softly and added on.

“It can’t be helped.
That lad is simply too talented that I don’t think anyone else can rise up to the occasion.
In truth, I wanted to tutor him myself, but I’m worried that others might interpret it as excessive bias, and it would be unfair to my other students too.”

“Yes, that would indeed be a problem.”

“It would also be more appropriate in terms of qualification since you’re a Ringbearer too.”

“Ah? Wait a moment…”

Lilian sharply sensed the implied meaning behind Chris’ words, but before she could clarify the matter, a knock suddenly sounded on the door before a young man covered in a hood and a scarf walked in. 

The young man hurriedly closed the door behind him before breathing a sigh of relief.
He began putting down his hood and taking off his scarf as he greeted the two individuals who were already in the room.

“Miss Chris, you’re already here? Is this the senior who will be… Ah?”

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“You are…!”

Roel’s greeting trailed to a halt upon seeing the familiar face in the room.
At the same time, Lilian shot to her feet as she stared at Roel with widened eyes.
Two pairs of eyes met one another as the rings they wore on their fingers glimmered faintly.


It was a secret that Roel Ascart had become the student of the youngest sage teacher of the academy, Chris Wilde, but not to the two ladies closest to him.
Nora and Charlotte knew about it right from the very start. 

They felt a little regretful about Roel’s decision, but they chose to accept it. 

‘Chris’ Classroom’ was known not just for the difficulty of its examinations but its high barrier of entry too.
After the bestowment of the ‘sage teacher’ title a few years ago, Chris began to take in even fewer students, and on this particular year, she chose to accept only Roel.
This was an indication that she was intending to focus her effort on grooming him. 

This was clearly a rare opportunity, so the two women who wished the best for Roel couldn’t bring themselves to voice their opposition to his decision.
Nevertheless, that didn’t mean that they weren’t concerned. 

“If I remember correctly, Lilian Ackermann is one of Chris’ students too, right?”

Nora picked up the teacup before her and took a sip before voicing her concern.
Seated opposite to her, Charlotte nodded with a slight frown.

It’s only normal for someone as talented as Lilian to be Chris’ student.
This is common knowledge in the academy.”

“I never thought that I would be forced into a confrontation with that woman through such a manner.”

“Since they’re students under the same teacher, I reckon that she wouldn’t make things hard on him.
It’s just that the thought of him having to attend classes with that woman is displeasing,” said Charlotte with knitted eyebrows.

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By the nature of her birth, she harbored great hostility toward the Austine Empire, so it couldn’t be helped that her impression of Lilian would be poor as well.
It frustrated her to no end that she was unable to do anything about this situation.

Unlike Lilian, both Nora and Charlotte had no need to expand their connections since they were already in a stable position themselves.
Instead, what they needed to worry about was being ‘brainwashed’ by a foreign teacher with different ideals—or at least that was what the nobles of their respective countries were worried about.

For that reason, Nora and Charlotte’s teachers ought to be from their respective countries, someone whom the nobles could fully trust.
Due to that, they weren’t able to accompany Roel.

They could only console themselves that there would be no vixens in ‘Chris’ Classroom’.
All of the students there were far too busy trying not to fail their examinations to get romantically involved with one another. 

Maybe the highly intelligent Lilian was one exception, but both Nora and Charlotte agreed that it was impossible for Roel and her to become a thing.

For one, it was impossible for an imperial member of the Austine Empire to marry a foreign noble.
On top of that, Lilian was known to be a cold-natured person who naturally distanced herself from others, and there was no way Roel would take the initiative to get close to her either. 

No one knew Roel better than they did.
He was a person with a strong sense of responsibility, so he wouldn’t approach another woman whom he couldn’t take responsibility for.
Be it Alicia, Nora, or Charlotte, they were at least people within his reach to care for. 

Someone who lived far beyond his scope like Lilian was definitely out of the question.

Besides, even if Roel really succumbed to Lilian’s beauty in a moment of hot-headedness, Carter would surely step forward to strongly oppose their relationship.
Considering how much Roel treasured his family, the chances were slim that he would go against’s Carter’s wishes. 

What Nora and Charlotte were more worried about was Roel getting into a conflict with Lilian.
Their previous encounter before the entrance ceremony was already a tense one, and things were likely to get worse now that Roel had become a Ringbearer. 

“Darling should have already anticipated this in advance.
We can only trust him to handle this matter carefully,” said Charlotte as he took a sip of tea.

Nora also nodded in agreement as a relieved smile finally appeared on her lips. 

Little did they know that Roel was just getting into his second encounter with Lilian.

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