k cute I guess?”


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I tried to say what came to my mind.
It was in the same way as how I usually speak with Philia san when chatting in the game.

In fact, I do think she is extremely cute.

However, perhaps she is not used to dress up like this, somehow I can’t deny the fact that she appears to act and look quite out of normal.

Then again, that very act seems so adorable, and the contrast from her usual self seems so refreshing that my inner heart strings start making noise.

(TL Note: The way she appears at home.)

―she could have done this usually as normal.

[TL: its hectic…]

I start to think as if I were giving a lecture, but honestly, it’s such a waste.

I stared at her while thinking about such things, when Hiyori had her head bowed, her face reddened which made the ambience even more awkward.

The complete silence took a heavy toll on the body, and it made me feel as if I were drowning in suffocation.

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“Thank you for waiting~♪”

A cheerful voice cut through the heavy ambience as it echoed through the room.

It was the waitress, who, unlike us, was very excited.

“Kraken’s Squid Ink Pasta and the Dragon King Fabneil’s Eye Croquettes and the Knight’s Blood Oath will be of?”

“Oh, that’ll be me.”

“And on the girlfriend’s side would be the alchemist’s tea potion right~♪”


Saying so, the waitress left the scene thinking she got to see something fun and adorable.

Two nervous, serious and adolescent lovers —– it certainly did to appear something like it.

Despite the waitress’s intention to push and support us, quite unfortunately we didn’t share that kind of a relationship.

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Somehow the ambience had changed yet again.
I could somehow feel that we were becoming strangely conscious of each other.

Both Hiyori and I were taking small peeks at each other.

“L- Let’s eat then.
It does look exaggerated and colourful, but the contents look delicious.”


“The knight’s blood oath is tomato juice and soda, and it tastes surprisingly good! How does the alchemist’s tea potion taste like?”

“It is………… delicious”

“I—I see! …Haha ……”


I tried raising up the tension and forcibly start a conversation in this unspeakable atmosphere, but that was useless.
We were just going in circles.
Only the sound of the clatters of the dishes were echoing in the room.

I swallowed the croquettes along with the bitter feelings I had accumulated inside me.

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