
CH 301

300: Love Rivals Everywhere

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The jet landed in the center of a vast lawn, where Wang Cheng could see several people standing in wait.
A man stood in the front, supported by two others because the wind from the jet’s propellers made it difficult for them to stand.
The pressure disappeared when the plane stopped and the door of the cabin opened.

When Mama Emily was escorted down, the man standing in the front immediately walked over with a face full of joy to hug her.

“My dear Emily, you’ve been in my thoughts for so long.
I’m elated that you’ve finally come.” Needless to say, this person was definitely the Duke of Auston.
He was a very handsome and courteous man by Western standards, with deep features and a high nose bridge, and he definitely didn’t look fifty years old.
If such a powerful man was also infatuated with Mama Emily, one had to say that Mama Emily’s charm was really quite all-powerful.

“I’ve also missed you so much, Auston dear.
It's great to see you again.” Emily was quite happy to see him too, and drew her face close to his, growing intimate with him.
Among her lovers, Auston could absolutely be ranked in the top three.
Even if he was infatuated with her to death, he continued to be a gentleman, and would never force her.

After their reunion, Auston, who’s eyes only held Emily in them, finally noticed Chu Yifeng and Wang Cheng, who were standing to the side.
He recognized Chu Yifeng, but not Wang Cheng.

“Aren't you going to introduce me to this gentleman?” Auston was curious about Wang Cheng.
He knew who all the Eimer family members were.
If Wang Cheng was able to come with them, he definitely held an unordinary status in Emily and Chu Yifeng's hearts.
He couldn’t help but think of his own daughter at that moment.

Chu Yifeng said, “This is my partner, Zhou Cheng, the heir to the Zhou Group enterprise.
He is coming with us to your daughter's wedding banquet.”

This introduction was a little long.
Chu Yifeng specifically pointed out the identity of the other party, proving that this person was important to him.

However, Auston's attention was attracted by the second part of the first sentence.
He had actually heard of the Zhou Group.
He had been to China before to chase Emily, and the five-star hotel he stayed in was Jinding Hotel, which was operated by the same Zhou Group.
He knew a little about some of the bigger companies in China, and Zhou Group was considered one of the top private enterprises in China.
He took the initiative to reach his hand out to Wang Cheng.

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Zhou, it’s nice to meet you.
I'm Auston, welcome to my daughter's wedding banquet.”

“Hello, Duke Auston, I have long admired your name.” Wang Cheng shook his hand.

After that, Auston took them to the hotel where they were staying.
He had originally planned to put them in his own private villa, but Emily rejected him.
Finally, he had to send them to a hotel.
After Auston and Emily had a chance to be intimate for a while, he reluctantly left.

Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng shared a room, while Emily was next door.
Chu Yifeng went to the lobby to do the check-in procedures.
Auston had planned on doing his best as host, but Emily had taken all his attention.
Before he could react, Chu Yifeng had already completed checking in.

A knock sounded on the door, and Wang Cheng opened it, expecting to see Chu Yifeng back upstairs.
However, when he opened it, he saw Emily.
“Mama Emily, why are you here?”

“Of course, I'm here to chat with you.” Emily walked in and noticed that there was already a plate of washed fruit on the table not far away, so she went over and picked the top piece to eat.
She turned back and sat on a nearby chair, before motioning for Wang Cheng to sit as well.
She started, “So you’ve met the Duke of Auston, what do you think?”

Wang Cheng was a little puzzled when he heard this.
“Mama Emily, do I need to have any thoughts?”

Emily laughed out loud.
“Looks like Leon hasn't told you yet, so I'll tell you.
Although Duke Auston's daughter Mary is getting married, you still have to be careful.
Mary used to be one of Leon’s admirers, but she’s different from Johanna, she's a very sensible and calculating woman.”

“Mama Emily, are you saying that she might not have given up?”

Wang Cheng frowned.
He didn't expect that though he’d hardly encountered any love rivals in China, when he went abroad, there would be love rivals everywhere.

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Emily replied nonchalantly: “I know Auston very well.
He is a very infatuated man, the type who won’t ever give up after latching onto something.
Do you know how many years he has liked me?”

“How many years?”

“He’d already fallen in love with me before I married Leon's father.
He never had any feelings for his short-lived wife.
Even after he married her, I was still the only one in his heart.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t be with him.
His daughter Mary has known about me and her father ever since she was sensible, but she has never resented us.”

So she was quite a sensible person.

Wang Cheng nodded.

“However, she was sensible too early on.
Mary was just like her father; when she was eight years old, she fell in love with Leon at first sight.
As the daughter of a duke, she actually had many choices, but she still chose to chase after Leon.
Though Leon never cared about her, she only gave up three years ago, saying that Leon and her were truly impossible.
There was no news from her after she returned to the UK, until yesterday, when we all heard about how she is getting married.”

“Are you worried that she is still stuck on Leon, like her father is on you? But isn't she going to get married? If she didn't give up, why would she choose to get married?” Wang Cheng was even more puzzled.

Emily smiled and said, “Silly child, someone can just get a divorce when they’re married.”

Wang Cheng was shocked, wasn’t that like treating marriage as some game?

Emily pouted.
“You took me that seriously? I was just teasing you.
The person Mary is getting married to is not an ordinary person.
She can’t divorce him even if she wants to.”

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“Then what's there to worry about?”

“What a good child.” Emily suddenly couldn’t bear the conversation.
“Forget it, we’re just here for the wedding banquet anyway, you and Leon won't have to stay in England for too long.”

Chu Yifeng didn't know that Emily had come to the room, and Wang Cheng couldn’t find out what Mama Emily was really trying to express.
In the end, he thought it wasn’t a big deal, so he didn't tell Chu Yifeng.

In the afternoon, the Duke of Auston sent someone to bring the clothes they would be wearing to the dinner party, all selected according to their specific sizes.
Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng both wore black suits, while Mama Emily wore a long red dress.
She was gorgeous, and her skin was still fair and tender in her fifties.
The bride would probably be compared with her.

Emily was very satisfied with the dress, but asked Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng to check it out before the banquet started just in case.
Fortunately, Auston obviously knew her very well, and it fit her perfectly once she put it on.


Though Wang Cheng was used to seeing Mama Emily’s beauty, he didn’t expect her charm to be so explosive when he saw her in a dress for the first time.
He could already imagine everyone’s expressions when Mama Emily appeared.

“Thank you, dear.” Emily stylishly tossed her hair.
Her slender waist, outlined by the tight dress, seemed to move like a twisting water snake.

Wang Cheng felt like he could understand why so many men were fascinated by Mama Emily.

Mary's wedding banquet was about to start.
Because it was a dinner party, they wouldn’t be able to eat as much as they liked.
So, Chu Yifeng first took Wang Cheng to a restaurant below the hotel to pad their bellies.
Emily decided she wanted to maintain her perfect figure and shine at the dinner party, so she did not eat.

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After they finished eating, they began to change their clothes.
Just after they got dressed, they heard that the limousine Auston arranged for them had appeared on time and was waiting for them by the door of the hotel.

After the three got in the limo, the driver took them to the location of the dinner.

It was an ultra-luxurious five-star hotel, which was being generously occupied by Duke Auston for that night.
Everyone invited to the dinner were celebrities from both political and business circles.
Superstars that could barely even be seen on TV could be seen here.

When they arrived, there were many reporters in front of the hotel, and the shutters of the photographers’ cameras rang out, almost uninterrupted.
Some reporters were thankful that they were using digital cameras and did not need to change rolls of film every once in a while.

When Wang Cheng got out of the car, the randomly flashing lights almost forced him to keep his eyes tightly shut.
Fortunately, Chu Yifeng turned sideways and helped him block some of the flashing lights.

Emily was the first to get out of the car, and seemed to be very used to this scene.
She murdered many film rolls when she got out of the car.
The cameras of the reporters seemed to only care about Emily.
Even when people exited from the cars behind them, they continued to film Emily’s back.
When a lady who was waiting to meet some reporters got out of the car and saw this scene, she was almost unable to maintain the smile on her face.

Basically, as long as they were a woman, they were jealous of Emily.
The woman recognized her back at first glance, and realized that she was that flirty Emily.
Her husband had also been one of Emily’s admirers.

As soon as Emily walked into the hall, there were amazing gasps all around.
Duke Auston had already walked towards her, since he was notified when the limo arrived.
When he went to her, Duke Auston took her hand and kissed it reverently.

“My dear, you are so beautiful tonight that you make my heart flutter.”

“Thank you.” Emily put her arms around him and walked inside, with a smile blooming on her face.
The scene of the two walking in together looked like a grown-up version of a fairy tale.

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