poke out again.

”Well, you could say that I ’m indeed a passerby.

My friends are 3 cities away from here, and I ’m travelling there by myself.

On his long and boring trip, how can I not want to flex out my muscles a bit?

So how about it….
would you all let me join the fight now? ” Landon said pitifully.


Sirius and Astar looked at the man in black and almost facepalmed themselves.

Why would he give out such vital information like that?

As for the enemy warrior, his smile became as broad as day.

”Wait Sir….
did you just say that you ’re travelling alone? ”

”Yup! ”

After confirming that the bastard in black was indeed travelling alone, the enemy warrior ’s smile turned colder.

So what if the man was a high-level assassin in an organization?

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At the end of the day, he had over 80 men with him….
and Sirius and his team were just 24.

So even if the man in black joined them, wouldn ’t he still be outnumbered?

If he sent 20 people to deal with the man in black, he didn ’t believe that they wouldn ’t win.


Well, since he said that he was bored….
then wants it only good to satisfy the bastard ’s boredom?

Sirius saw through the enemy warrior ’s thoughts and wanted to protest.

But before he could say anything, the enemy warrior quickly agreed with the man in black.


I agree with you.

You can join the battle since you ’re bored. ”


You won ’t regret it! ”

”_ ”


Right now, everyone had the same thought when they looked ag the man in black.


He definitely had something loose in his brain.

As for the masked man A.KA Landon Barn, he just smiled sheepishly and scratched his head shyly.

Landon soon turned to Sirius and the rest with a broad smile on his face.

it ’s not that I ’m looking down on you all.

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But since most of you are injured, then I suggest that you sit down by the sides. ”

”But… ” Astar said in protest.

”Trust me, if you join me….
you ’d only be getting in my way. ”

Everyone was taken aback by Landon ’s words once again.

The enemy warriors laughed out loud with some of them even crying on the ground.


You really think that you can take us all? ”

”Do you know our individual ranks? ”

”Even if you ’re a high-ranked assassin, our combined ranks alone is something that you can ’t face alone. ”

”Let the fool be!

Since he wants to die, then we will naturally grant his request. ”

Landon just looked at them calmly, and lazily dropped his sword on the ground.

”Not only will I take you all out, but I ’ll also not use my sword too.

So I suggest that you all come at me all at once. ”

”_ ”

’Bahhahahhahhahaha! ’

”He is truly a fool! ”

”Well since he wants to die so much, then we ’ll just grant his request.

As far as I ’m concerned, he ’good as dead! ”

’Hahahhahahahha! ’

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