I’m the King Of Technology

80 Weekly Industry Meeting

ions and came prepared.

As Wiggins spoke, the supervisors placed several bowls of water on 3 large tables.

”I would like everyone to come up and wash their hands in these separate bowls of water, using the soaps. ”

Those seated rushed to the tables, and started washing their hands.

There were different colored bars of soap, placed by the side of each basin.

”WOW! This is what his highness mean ’t by ’lathering up ’?… I have to agree, it makes me feel like my hands are really dirt-free ”

”Each bar even has a name and number carved on it. ”

”Ahh!!!!, it smells like lavender.. my wife would surely like this one. ”

”Mine smells very manly. ”

”Can it be used for doing laundry and bathing? ”

”Of course!!.. That ’s what chief Wiggins said in his last week report…. I think the ’B3-Soap ’ is the one used for doing laundry ”.

”It really is an improvement, compared to last week ’s soaps. ”

”__ ”

Once everyone sat down, Chief Wiggins continued his presentation.

As he spoke, the supervisors got all the bowls of water and threw them outside the windows… They also gathered up all the soap bars and cleaned the tables with rags.

Chief Wiggins spoke about the overall success rate within his industry, as well as the few issues and problems encountered within the manufacruring processes.

Later on, the supervisors spoke about the issues all the workers faced at work.

At the end of their presentation, everyone rose up, and clapped for them.

Brilliant!!… they had really tried their best compared to last week.

Those from the Alchemy industry all blushed and smiled, as they saw the positive response from everyone… And to top it off, his highness rose up too.

Last week, his highness didnt rise up but still clapped for them… this week, they saw him standing, smiling, clapping and even nodding several times to them.

All their hard work had paid off.

Now it was time for the Construction industry take over the presentation.

Everything all the products were same compared to last week, except the new: tables, Porcelain plates, marble cups, pens, pencils, plastic rulers, and paper.

”Wow, I didn ’t know that paper could be colored blue…. Overseer Tim really outdid himself this time ”

”Check out this pen. The ones before had clear casings, but this one has a greyish casing and looks very cool.. Look!!! When I press on the top, the pen head shoots out at the bottom.. This is the best invention so far!! ”

”Puii!!!…. What do you know? Can ’t you see that slick glass table over there?.. the table legs are made out of wood..but the top part is made of glass.. glass!!!.. do you think that a pen can compare to that? ”

”I agree… the table is the best.. I can ’t wait for these products to be sold in the stores.. ”

”They won ’t be sold now..his highness said that once house construction starts, then they would be sold…. so for now, they can only be stored in big warehouses. ”

”But did you see that porcelain plate?.. its so artistic and funny… it says: Go away! Opening hours are closed. ”

”Hahaha .. I need that plate in my life… That should be my new slogan.. Everytime someone wants to talk to me when I ’m eating, I ’ll just tell them: Go away! Opening hours are closed. ”

”__ ”

The construction industry rounded up and it was finally time for the food industry to shine.

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