d as he looked at me.

I should just throw this bunny here into the water.”

Bonnie reached out his hands to grab me, so I backed away and smiled.

“What? Are you saying that a brave elf like you is scared?”

As Bonnie did earlier to the other elves, I picked on his pride.

“Scared? Bonnie Briehard is scared?”

Ah, that was too easy.
Stupid earsy.

“I don’t understand why you would be afraid of such a small spring”

Bonnie stood in front of the spring shaking his head.

“What are you waiting for?”

I wanted Bonnie to go a little further.
Into the spring. 

“I mean, I have no reason to wet my shoes.”

But Bonnie looked at Andrew after coming up with an excuse.

“Freeze this spring.”

Andrew blinked and then looked at me.

“Can I do that?”

I was a bit disappointed, but I nodded as if I was fine with everything.

“Yes, allow him.”

Then Andrew looked at Bonnie, impressed.

“What a smart captain! If I didn’t want my shoes to get wet, then I would have removed them and walked right in!”

Bonnie frowned again, as if he understood me criticizing him.

“If you speak once more, I will cook you in boiling water.”


Because Bonnie acted scary, I pretended to get scared by cramming my body.

“You may begin.”

Bonnie looked at Andrew, and Andrew froze the surface, being pushed to the corner.
We were able to walk on top.

“Let’s go.
There better be a heart inside.”

As Bonnie gave the signal, all the elves followed Bonnie to the altar. 

“Aris, what are you thinking?”

Andrew whispered into my ears.

“What do you mean? I am thinking of finding the heart.”

“Then that guy will take the heart.
Shouldn’t we stop him now?”

I shook my head.

“There’s no need to hurry.”


I could have told him why, but I thought it would be more fun to hide it.
So, I just ended my sentence and followed Bonnie.

“Good job, bunny and the son of the Ice Queen dude.”

Bonnie, who stepped onto the altar before us, spread his arms as if he was welcoming.

“Right? Aren’t you thankful?”

Andrew and I walked up to the altar.
In front was a scary curse written as ‘the one who opens this casket, shall live forever as two on this island.’

“It says that you become two.
What should we do?”

The elves again looked at Bonnie with anxious faces.

“There’s no need for us to do it ourselves.
This guy will open it.”

Bonnie looked at Andrew.

“Do we really have to open this casket?”

Andrew didn’t seem to like the idea of doing Bonnie a favor.

“If you don’t, we don’t have a choice.”

Bonnie took me as hostage.


I expected this of him, but it was earlier than I thought.

“What the?!”

Andrew was about to use his magic.

“If you use magic, this bunny will die first.”

Bonnie threatened Andrew.
Andrew snorted.

“I don’t care if you kill her.”

But Bonnie smirked. 

“If you really didn’t care about her, you wouldn’t even have replied to me and used magic right away”

Andrew’s face hardened from Bonnie’s observation.

“Open it.
This is my last warning.”

“Aris, you are sure that I can open this?”

I nodded, after seeing Andrew’s expression that seemed to scream out, ‘please say yes.’

“Yes, just open it wide in one go.”

As if Andrew became more confident from my certainty, he placed his hand on the lid of the casket.


At that moment, the temple shook.

“What is that?”

“A curse! It’s a curse!”

Except for Bonnie, the other elves panicked.
Still, from my understanding, the curse that occurs after opening the casket was not something like the temple shaking or falling apart.

“But I didn’t even open it?”

Andrew took his hands off the casket and looked around.
The explosive sounds and shaking continued.

“They are here.”

Amidst the shaking, I heard familiar footsteps.
Footsteps that I heard so many times that I became fond of.

Then with those footsteps, I also heard the whole group of following footsteps.

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