God Emperor

Chapter 574: Four Nine Mysteries

ght aureole emitting from it. In fact, nothing extraordinary happened

There was just a scroll made of snake skin sitting at the bottom of the box. There appeared to be a few small imprints on the snake skin.

”This is … ”

Everyone was struck dumb to find that Zhang Ruochen ’s third gift was so ordinary.

Zhang Ruochen explained, ”The inscription on the snake skin is actually the fourth volume of practice exercises for the Four Nine Mysteries. ”

Although it was a plain statement, Chen Ji ’s face drained of its color immediately upon hearing this and he dashed towards the jade box.

Chen Ji stretched out his hand, hesitated, then withdrew his hand. He stared at the scroll inside, his expression unreadable. ”Please don ’t kid us. Is this truly the fourth volume of the Four Nine Mysteries? ”

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