Chapter 1 – Innate Wisdom1

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The Grand Chu Dynasty was governed under a feudal system, and their lands were split into 11 different provinces.
The Grand Chu controlled the central Emperor’s province, and the remaining ten provinces were each divided and conferred upon different kings and relatives of the imperial state, who commanded their respective regions.

There was also the Shangqing official state religion.
The Shangqing Dao of the distant past passed on their traditions until the current day, and had now branched out and expanded to the point of possessing a seat of power in every province, overseeing the entire country.

The Xu Clan was one of the three clans that governed the Ruyang Region, which was located in the You Province.
From one hereditary successor to the next, they had already been in power for over 300 years, commanding over the Southern region of the Ruyang Region that encompassed 400 square li2 of land.
In this region, everything from the taxes, to the population, croplands, politics, and laws were all under the sole jurisdiction of the Xu Clan.
The only thing they were required to do was pay a fixed portion of tax to the county each year.

Almost all of the ordinary civilians went out to labor at sunrise and returned at sunset, perhaps engaging in trading or business each day.
However, there were some who possessed Dao Channels.
If you were born with Dao Channels, you could cultivate Martial Techniques!

There were 9 grades of Dao Channels that could be ranked from best to worst, and every grade of Dao Channels was capable of cultivating Martial Techniques.
But if one practiced forcibly, it would still only overwork the body and damage the meridians.
There were also cases where the Dao Channels were blocked, making it impossible to cultivate any Martial Laws whatsoever.

Occasionally, there were a few sons from poor families or peasant families who discovered that they possessed Dao Channels.
They would report this to the Xu Clan, who would take them under their wing and foster them, allowing them to undergo a meteoric rise to glory and splendor.

The main branch of the Xu Clan was located in the Zhenhai Prefecture, which was one of the biggest prefectures in Ruyang Region aside from Ruyang Prefecture itself, placing Zhenhai Prefecture at 2nd place among the four major prefectures in the county.

“Where is this?”

Xu Disheng opened his eyes, seeing only darkness save for a single small point of white light before him.
His head was completely muddled as he floated forwards.

“Who am I?”

“Where am I?”

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That small white point of light gradually grew larger, but his head was throbbing with a splitting headache.

“Why am I here, and what is this place?”

The blazing white ray of light flashed in front of his eyes.
An extremely warm aura washed over Xu Disheng’s body, but his eyes stung from the brilliant radiance, forcing him to close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a puddle of scarlet blood staining the top of a large expensive satin mattress, and a fishy smell assailed his nostrils.
He suddenly felt his body being turned over, and a middle-aged woman with a happy expression came into his view.
It turned out that he was currently being held in her arms.

He vaguely heard a noisy exclamation right next to his ears, which most likely came from the middle-aged woman.
Her voice was laden with a myriad of complex tones, with pleasant surprise being the foremost among them.

“Miss Yu, it’s a little boy! Congratulations, Miss Yu! Hurry and report this to the Young Patriarch!” the voice exclaimed.
Judging by her tone, the latter half of the sentence was clearly directed towards the maids by her side.
Several maids proceeded to bow their heads then leave the room.

“But Miss Yu, it’s rather strange.
Your son isn’t crying at all.”

On the bed, there was a young woman with a pained expression on her face.

“Carry him here so I can see him,” she said softly, her face clearing up a bit.
The middle-aged woman was probably the young woman’s maid, who was brought over from her own family, which was most likely why she was being referred to as “Miss Yu”, and not “Madame Yu”.

Doing as she said, the middle-aged woman held Xu Disheng in her arms and sat down in front of the young woman.
The young woman really wanted to sit up, but she wasn’t able to do so because of her weakened body, and she ended up lying back down, her efforts in vain.

By now, Xu Disheng’s head had cleared a bit.
After discovering that he couldn’t exert any strength in his body whatsoever, he only realized just now that he had turned into a newborn infant.

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“Mother Xun, what did my son spit out?” Jin Yu was momentarily surprised, but with her noble identity, she was experienced and knowledgeable.
She didn’t think it was particularly strange, and only quietly opened her mouth and asked this question.

The maid saw a vision, and was frozen in astonishment.

After hearing Jin Yu’s voice calling out to her to get her attention once more, she hurriedly held the baby with one hand, and reached her other hand into his mouth to retrieve the cyan ray of light.

It was a small, exquisite jade bamboo flute with a cyan shaft, and it was only about as thick as a pinky finger, half a palm long.
Mother Xun stood there in daze with the bamboo flute in her palm.
Several streams of resplendent cyan light shone brilliantly through the gaps between her fingers, giving off a mystical quality.

“A Xiantian Life Partner Artifact?” Jin Yu muttered, lifting her head slightly to look at her son once more.
Her son’s facial features were delicate and refined, an

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