m work wouldn’t be tiring either.

But things were different now.
The appearance of his father’s illegitimate son made the old man and his mother feel that his position may be affected, especially his mother…

The reason she had arranged a blind date for him this time was because she knew that his father’s illegitimate son had already met with several young ladies from big families in the imperial capital under his father’s arrangement…

It was obvious that his father was biased towards his illegitimate son, Duan Xingchen and had even started to pave the way for him.
Knowing that Duan Xingchen didn’t have a strong family backing him like he, Duan Xing Yuan had with his mother’s family, his father wanted to find a wife with a powerful family for him…

This way, Duan Xingchen’s starting line would no longer be so far behind his.

The woman kept outside by his father was indeed extraordinary.

Not too young but still able to appease his father so that he wouldn’t go for other younger and prettier women and was able to make him stay devoted to her and hide their son for more than a decade before the Duan family found out…

That woman was very patient and very calculating, completely after the Duan family’s wealth, that was why his mother was so anxious….

Nevertheless he was incredibly confident, thinking to himself that he was very strong and excellent.
He didn’t need to rely on a woman to climb up like Duan Xingchen, he was sufficient on his own.

That was why, Duan Xingchen had to fawn over women he didn’t really like, while he didn’t have to.

He could still marry the woman he liked!

He looked at Gu Qing Yu with incomparable confidence and satisfaction.

“Don’t worry, they will agree.
Even if they don’t agree, I will definitely marry you!” Duan Xing Yuan promised.

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