>It was as if Ellia overlapped with Myria as she adorable caressed the snuggling Xiaolan.

”So you plan to make our little Ice Phoenix break into the Immortal Stage and have us ascend along with her…
while we hide in her body, her mouth or stomach…? ”

Ellia sounded full of disbelief at the end while Myria giggled.

”Yes, it is what it seems like… ”

”Is that even possible…? ”

Ellia ’s brows couldn ’t help but twitch inside their soul sea.

”I don ’t know, but we sure can try and make it happen.
Forced ascension means pulling everything someone has with them, and that means we ’re naturally going to end up ascending with Xiaolan. ” Myria stopped caressing Xiaolan as she entered a moment of contemplation, ”In theory, this is possible, and there must be some records of some people here who have broken through and ascended, taking important people with them just by clasping hands with them, or just a touch for sure. ”

”Alright, seems feasible enough… ”

Ellia replied before she voiced out, ”What about Shirley? Are we leaving her? ”

”Shirley? We ’ll pick her up if she ’s willing, though I muse that she has other plans in mind since she didn ’t call for our help.
We still don ’t know who that strange protector of her is from…
and maybe it ’s her new man, but what a pity, he ended up dying despite the rumor of such prowess. ”

Ellia frowned.

”Myria, Shirley is not like that. ”

”She may not be like that but forced circumstances always make people change, Ellia.
If she was violated by that dead man called Chu Feng, I don ’t blame her for leaving your Davis.
Besides, that Chu Feng is someone who comprehends Death Laws.
He is probably a hundred times stronger and talented than your Davis, who ’s currently in the Alstreim Family trying to play it with that little scheme of his with that little empress, and women generally dislike weak men, so… ”

”Enough…! ”

Myria pursed her lips and shrugged.

”Reality is hard to accept, Ellia.
But I muse that you could probably tell from my memories about what I had to face to accept reality, no? ”

Ellia clenched her fists in anger.

”It ’s not like you never used schemes to get by, so shut up.
I don ’t care about your thoughts or Shirley ’s decision to live a different life, but if you abandon Davis down here, I ’m dragging you down whenever I have the chance. ”

Myria narrowed her eyes, looking angered slightly.

”Ellia, it isn ’t good to be hostile towards me like this… ”

”Then you know how serious I am.
We both are the same, Myria.
I am terrifying as you are, so you need to follow my wishes as well… ”

”Tch, mortal woman. ” Myria sounded full of disdain, ”You may have my knowledge and memories, but don ’t you dare think you can top me in terms of experience.
If we ever fight for supremacy, I will win without a doubt.
I was good to you, not erasing you, accommodating to your wishes, and look at where that brought you, willing to threaten your other half for mere puppy love.
I ’m rather disappointed, Ellia. ”

”It was not a mere puppy love! And don ’t you dare disrespect me, you white-haired witch who killed thousands of self-reincarnations like me! ”

”… ”

Myria ’s expression froze.
A sudden silence filled within themselves before a voice echoed out.

”I apologize.
I went too far, Myria… ”

Ellia sounded remorseful, but still, no reply came.

Nevertheless, after a short while, Myria spoke.

”It ’s fine.
I was wrong to think that you might understand me just because you have my memories.
Perhaps, we ’ll never understand each other, and it ’s fine that way because we ’re going to separate anyway once I find the right method.
As you wish, I ’ll also save that Davis of yours.
Then, once we separate, you can go live with your puppy love while I go my own way, seeking revenge against the bastards who betrayed me if they are still living after all these unknown years. ”

A pang of hurt encroached on Ellia as she bit her lips in sadness because she knew that her statement also hurt Myria.

”I ’m sorry, Myria.
I truly am… ”

Myria stayed silent before her voice resounded out in their soul sea.

”Ellia, do you know how it feels when you kill yourself thousands, no, an indefinite number of times? ”

Ellia ’s heart shook again as she voiced out.

”I ’m sorry… ”

”Just answer… ”

Ellia shook her head in their soul sea.

”Good, I don ’t want you to experience that wretched feeling, and I certainly don ’t want to feel that again… ”

Myria ’s bosoms heaved as she calmed down, her moist eyes blinking before they became indifferent again, while Ellia felt inexplicably saddened.

She knew how Myria protected her from being corrupted by so many unneeded memories, but all she provided her were complaints and more complaints like a spoiled brat.
All this time, she thought that she had been the one who was possessed, but it was the other way around!

She was nothing more than an unintentional consequence, a parasite created from Myria ’s unique physique when she rebirths!

”I ’m sorry, sister… ”

Myria ’s calm heart shook at this moment as she heard Ellia ’s sobbing voice.
Her heart inexplicably melted as she, too, felt her eyes turning moist for a darn reason that she couldn ’t even understand.
She later sighed, full of remorse.

”I practically have no layers of walls set up against you, Ellia…
This is unfair as I ’ve never had my feelings swung around by anyone in my life like this after that moment of betrayal. ”

”I know, and I ’m sorry for taking advantage of your kindness, Myria. ”

Ellia said once more, causing Myria ’s lips to curve as her smile became resplendent and gentle.

”Apologies accepted~ ”

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