d loudly.

I guess since my body is gray making me suitable less to blend into the night.
I heard a scream that might not come from the escort detail.
I approached them leisurely and looked at the guard that was holding their weapon.

(Two with swords and spear, one with shield, two with bows and two mages)

The female mage who is near the campfire started chanting along with another male mage.
Arrows starts flying at me but I ignore them.
They don’t pierce and even if they do, they don’t hurt.

The two bowmen started shouting something and I guess they’re saying something along the lines the arrow is not effective.

I approach the carriage, ignored the five men in the vanguard and directly went to the mages.
I have to be wary of magic so I took cover on the carriage then leap directly to them.
The landing blows the bonfire out sending sparks of flame flying around, then I quickly knockdown and crush the mage’s staff.

While doing so I pretend to be caught at the moment when I saw the female mages robe shift and I found some stuffing on her chest


I thought she looked like a 4 but I guess my estimate is too much.

I didn’t miss the gazes of the men who rushed to their comrade’s crisis and so she does as well.
It’s a bit regrettable to kill them here.
The girl then started yapping and is becoming annoying so I shut her up by giving her a light blow enough to knock her down.
And since she didn’t fly away and just fell limply to the ground, I guess she’s okay.

The male mage then changed the magic he uses but was still continuing his chant.
And since it’s becoming amusing, I took on the five vanguards to kill time and sure enough he had switched to a magic that wouldn’t damage the surrounding, and if it’s a linear attack it would be easy to avoid it

With a well-timed back-hand blow I blew away the flaming arrows and the same time I blew away the shield guy with my tail.
I then threw the spear of the woman who tried to attack me at my rear back to the male mage.
He caught her but was unable to hold his ground and they were blown away and roll away together as well.

The battle ends with the three remaining vanguards kicked enough so that they won’t die.
Incidentally the archers ran away as soon as they learned that they arrows have no effect.

It looks like there’s one more battle to be fought here.
One of the spoils of war tried to run away but I grabbed it from the rear and lifted it making the screaming old man fell to the ground.
As I looked around, I saw another one scurrying away so I caught it and littered the old man too.

(The six carriage is secured, now let the rummaging begins)

So, I began inspecting the loots.
I carefully opened the crates so that I won’t damage the contents as I look through them one by one.
The content of the first wagon is mainly food stuff.
I thought that it would be jackpot but the only thing I could take from it is dried meat since the rest are just wheat.
If only I can cook wheat this would have been a good option.
I guess I have no choice.

Also, I would need to make tools for my size if I want to process this.
There’s also some sake but I passed on it.

On to the next one.
When I inspect it, I heard a scream and the parents tried are covering their children’s mouth to prevent them from crying.

I looked around ignoring them but all I see are furniture and furnishing.
It looks like this family is moving.

I’m not satisfied and so I moved to the next one.
In this one a young man is protecting a woman by pulling her behind him.
She seems to have a big belly so she might be pregnant,

(She’s moderately beautiful ain’t she, you riajuu!)

I spit out and go for the next one, but since its load is kind of small, I ignore it and wen to the fourth one, where I found what I’m looking for.

Five jars of salt and wool and an iron ore

I took two jars of the salt and some wool and then went to the next carriage.

The fifth one is filled with wheat too.
The old man in this carriage is mumbling something probably complaining to his escorts.

The last one when I peeked a sharp rapier comes rushing out in to me.
I caught it with my teeth and pulled the user out to the open.
He released his hand on the hilt of the rapier when he rolled to the ground so I hit him enough to knocked him unconscious I started ransacking the last carriage but all I found are ornaments.
Obviously, I don’t need them.
I am disappointed to find a lock box.
I reaped it open to found only one sealed water bottle.

(Some kind of suspicious item… related to magic?)

I don’t know how to use it but I’ll take it anyway.

So, the spoils are: 1 kilo of dried meat, 2 jars of salt some wall and a bottle of a mysterious water.

And the result of the looting zero casualty.
Now let’s collect our luggage and return to the mountain once more.

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