“Chapter 99: VERSUS Zombie Dragon 2”

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– G H W O O H –


Behind the curtain of mosquitos, the zombie dragon shifted its focus to us.


– Tch.
I guess its brain isn’t rotten yet.


The constant roaring and flailing was probably a distraction to divert the attention from the mosquitos.


– G W O O A A A A A A H –


– Here comes the breath!


It wants to finish us off.


– Feria, focus on dodging first!


– I know!

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Feria grabbed me and jumped out of our hiding spot while using her wind magic to repel the mosquitos.


The Succubi tried to catch the dragon’s attention but it was dead set on us.


– Bones! What are you doing? Come here, you’ll get caught up in the breath!


Michael was just standing there with mosquitos swarming his body.


– I decoy.
I at least able to that.


– But Michael, your body!


– No care.
If crown, no problem.


Michael hurled the stuffed animal and the gold crown towards us.


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– Dragon probably can’t tell.
It aim where mosquito.


– But…


– Takaya, we won’t make it! Give it up already!


– Damn it… Just wait, Michael! I’ll find you a new body just like with Werg!


Michael’s body was reduced to shattered bones being eaten by mosquitos.


– R O O O O O O H –


Moments later, a roaring flame struck the location.


We managed to avoid it thanks to Michael, but our skin turned red just from the heat of the attack.


– Takaya, are you okay?


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The Succubi rushed to see our current state.
They took one of my antidotes from my bag and used it on me.


My body immediately regained its strength.


– Thank you.
I’m fine now.


The problem isn’t necessarily the mosquito poison, it’s how many of them there are.

– G W O O O H –


There are probably hundreds of thousands surrounding the dragon.
Even the Succubi’s magic wasn’t enough to lower the number significantly.
It just keeps generating more and more.


Thanks to Michael, we can retrieve some fire from the spot it attacked.
But it’s not going to be that easy.


Even if it’s remnants of the original fire, the blazes are so hot that it’s hard just to get close.
I would need assistance to retrieve it.
Specifically, the assistance of Feria and Letty.


– Lemy-san, Yamy-san, do you think you two can distract the dragon?


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– We were battling as three.


– And this is how it turned out.


– Alright.
What if there were no more mosquitos?


Both of the maids looked at me as if I had just said something outrageous.


– In that case…


– The dragon is slow, so I believe we can.


– … Well then.
I’ll get rid of the mosquitos.


– What? (Lemy/Yamy)


The recipe for victory had begun taking form in my head.

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