When I open my eyes I found myself in a strange place. The people there who were wearing ancient clothes were keep staring at me. After carefully observing the situation around me I finally understood that maybe my dimension magic bought me and my sisters here. But no matter how much I tried to find my sisters I just couldn find them. At the time a kind of fear which is saying maybe my sisters is dead already this kind of feeling I start to have. I start to think lots of bad things and had a bad feeling. Thats when I notice my Phoenix bracelet on my hand.

A smile formed on my face immediately ”Oh…oh God…my sisters are alive and they are in this dimension as well…thank god…b…but why is it giving ⚠️ Warning danger is 1 mile away are my sisters in danger? ”.

Phoenix bracelet is a kind of jewelry that can also consider as half of phoenix soul. As soon as Phoenix is born the bracelet appears on their hand. We can also call it a kind of power storage. When a Phoenix is in great danger and can use their power at that time Phoenix bracelet save them but it can only be used once. Nobody other than the owner of the Phoenix bracelet can touch the Phoenix bracelet unless the owner gives his/her permission to give Phoenix bracelet to someone.

4 years ago when I and my sisters still were in 2025. I did some changes on our Phoenix bracelets with my magic and knowledge of 2025. Now we can easily find each others location and also we can summon any kind of things of 2025. I use lots of my money, effort and time on this bracelet. Inside this bracelet there we have our own space. All 4 space has a little secret door to enter another space. In short, all 4 space is connected to each other so that when we are in danger we can know what is going on and can save each other. Only my bracelet has O7 system who has a 5 years old boy appearance and he is my assistant to help me with my work when I need someones help. I upload all the knowledge and fighting skills of 2025 on him. He also has a physical body which I made by using magic he can change his appearance into anything and he has feelings too. This system is the first ever system that I made in 2025 who is a lot like a human.

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